
This table will soon move to LBEM teams

The Group Seminar List will soon move to the Teams App. Please install the application for both your laptop and mobile. You have automatically access to the group seminar subchannel where you will find a pinned note which will regularly be updated. 

The group seminars takes place weekly on Tuesday 9AM normally in BSP233 (Cubotron). Here we discuss recent results, challenges in projects but also other interesting topics. Please aim for a presentation of around 20 - 30 minutes. It is also a place for updates regarding the day to day laboratory life and general discussion about various topics.

Please check this schedule frequently as the list of speaker can change on short notice!

Date Name Room
14.01.2025 Notash/Daria BSP233
21.01.2025 Ines BSP233
28.01.2025 Lukas BSP233
04.02.2025 Massimo BSP233
11.02.2025 Baba BSP233
18.02.2025 Sandor BSP233
25.02.2025 Berk BSP233
04.03.2025 Guest PPT BSP233
11.03.2025 K.V. BSP233
18.03.2025 Amanda BSP233
25.03.2025 Sergey BSP233
01.04.2025 Julika BSP233
08.04.2025 Daniel BAT 2218 (Batochime building)
15.04.2025 Wen-Lu BSP233
22.04.2025 Marta BSP233
29.04.2025 Vishal BSP233
06.05.2025 Kazadi BSP233
13.05.2025 Notash BSP233
20.05.2025 Lukas BSP233
27.05.2025 Ines BSP 224
03.06.2025 Massimo
10.06.2025 K.V.
17.06.2025 Berk.
24.06.2025 Amanda
01.07.2025 Baba

The brain subgroup meeting takes place bi-weekly on Tuesday 10.15AM (right after the normal group seminar) in BSP318. We use the time to give a quick update on our current work and can raise any issues or problems. There is no listed speaker. Any other relevant topics can also be discussed.